Monday 8 September 2008

Colston School: parents not getting the message

Here we have some mothers pushing kids home from Colston's school, the one that has now forbidden bikes and scooters.

Clearly the purpose of the banning was to make it easier for the school run by car, yet here we see two families recklessly blocking Richmond Road to passing cars. How much more selfish can they get?


  1. They are not even wearing helmets! What sort of example are they setting their children?

  2. their prams are probably too wide to fit through the small gap on the pavement left by the cars parked on it. you have problems.

  3. Serin. I fear you are missing the point. It doesnt matter that there are cars on the pavement with dustbins taking up that space. What kind of parent pushes their child to school when they could drive?


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