Friday 19 September 2008

France: school dropoff

They make kids walk to school before 8 am in France. Walk. Even though they get little wheelie bags to make it easier.

And all the parents seem to go along with this, as there is no sign of any cars. How was such a miracle pulled off?

Ah. Fencing off the road.

That would probably work in Bristol too, though it would create an extended dropoff-zone further away from the school where all the danger would lie.


  1. This is quite normal isn't it? in our village only a few people take their kids to school by car because it's in walking distance. If you drive you also have to go further...

  2. I think the fact that every school had stuff up to stop you getting cars close meant they still had a problem, though not as bad as Bristol's

  3. I expect you are riagh, but they are at least doing something about it.

    Interestingly, you aren't the only person suggesting this:


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