Wednesday 29 October 2008

Cycle City proposals: the riverside route

One of the new routes proposed for cycle city is a route between Templemeads and the south-east of the city along the river.

As you can see, no such route exists today. To be precise, such a route does exist, but it is unpleasant, dangerous and not fun to cycle.

The area is built up and you are left pining for such quality infrastructure as the St Philip's flyover, visible in the distance.

It is certainly a relief to get off this unpleasant and dangerous path and into the safe cycle facilities around Templemeads.

Victory to Oceania!

1 comment:

  1. I don't really have a problem with the riverside path, its not particularly dangerous, and it is really a rather scenic path, some of the graffiti is cool, and I even stumbled upon a porno photo shoot one day.

    I wouldn't recommend it at night, but that's not the fault of the path, its just a general comment about secluded inner city woodlands.


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