Thursday 2 October 2008

Parking at St John's Primary, Clifton

Before the Bristol Cycling Campaign can go to schools and discuss their problems, we need data. Here is some pics of St John's Primary CofE school, just off Whiteladies Road, Clifton.

There is a nice little cobbled road leading to the school. Hopefully, it is car free morning and evening. If not, it could be something that could be closed to traffic -as seen in France- with little impact on the rest of the city.

Behind the entrance: a place to park scooters. This is school that encourages fun journeys to school.

Round the corner though, that "School Keep Clear" area has devolved into parking.

Its a good thing, therfore, that the cobbled alley is the foot approach. It leaves this end of the school to be reserved for parents who drive and need somewhere to park. By separating the two, both needs can be met. Next: someone needs to visit it at pickup/dropoff time and see what actually happens.

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