Tuesday 23 June 2009

Cycle Lane Innovation

On my way to The Croft last night I stopped at the lights and heard sounds, so I got out the camera...

This is obviously a new highways experiment combining street musicians and Bath Ales delivery vehicles to force cyclists into the correct position for getting to Stokes Croft without being flattened by cars turning left into Ashley Road.

It worked perfectly. More please.


  1. Lovely! Maybe the drummers were there to get your attention and warn you of the lorry just up ahead of you

  2. Yes indeed, and it worked a treat.

    We need more lorries and drummers, please.

    Cycling City are you listening???

  3. I'm not convinced that cycling and filming is a very good promotion for a safe cycling website?

    I'm sure that you have very harsh views on drivers using their mobiles?

    BTW; I'm on your side, just promoting impartiality!

  4. Are we a safe cycling web site? I fear you have mistaken us for something else. We are a data mining project, and videos make for more data. That said, it is hard to turn or brake hard when filming -best to have handlebar or helmet cameras.

  5. "Are we a safe cycling web site? I fear you have mistaken us for something else."

    That's a pretty easy mistake to make based on your tagline...

    "In which we explore the options for getting round Bristol, and the consequences of those decisions"

    If cycling is an optional mode of transport and safety is a high priority for cyclists; you are missing a trick if you do not consider cycling safety high on your own agenda.

    To repeat; I'm on your side - just pointing out what I consider a potential point of hypocrisy.

  6. You can tell it's Stokes Croft. Cars on double yellows, pavement and cycle lane. Ah yes, the old SCTW - Stokes Croft Triple Whammy. For the those new to these pages, drivers in Bristol have a long running competition to see who can break the most driving laws in one go. Just a hobby really, as Bristol has no enforcement worth speaking of so they're never in any danger of getting a ticket.

  7. @Taff. If you go through our pages, you will see that we regularly denounce cyclists for getting in the way of important people. You may criticise the poster of this entry, Quercus, for filming on a bike, but I would denounce him for being on a bicycle, taking up a bike lane that could be used for parking of road-tax, petrol-tax paying citizens like myself. I bet he endangers everyone by not wearing a hi-viz top too.

  8. @SteveL

    You're right about video. 86 views in one day. I will do more :) Nothing like a good link to spur on Google.


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