Sunday 18 April 2010

Chris Hutt Funeral

Chris Hutt's funeral details have been announced. Cremation, wake, followed by a bike ride

Dear All

Chris Hutt's funeral will be at Canford Crematorium, 1pm on Friday 30 April.
This will be followed at 2pm by a wake at 35 King Street (ground floor) for tea/coffee, etc.

Catering numbers are limited at the wake, but nonetheless please let Chris's son (Chris Jnr) know by email (bathroombuild at yahoo dot co dot uk) or text (07894 164038) in good time if you wish to attend either or both.

Bristol Cycling Campaign are planning a memorial bike ride after the wake to celebrate Chris's life and achievements, taking in the Bristol-Bath railway path.

The date also coincides with the monthly Critical Mass ride so we could look to join forces on this one.

Please send me any suggestions you may have for a route, timing and suitable venue to end up at where we can raise a glass to Chris.

Martin Tweddell
Chair, Bristol Cycling Campaign

Until then, here are a couple of shots of Chris at last year's council elections; he was one of the reporters for The Bristol Blogger, and a fun evening was had by all. We turned up, said "we are press, where do we sit" and got a table to plug the laptop in, free wifi, and enough legitimacy that all expenditure on Bristol Traffic activities (computers, cameras, amsterdam sex tour weekends) could be declared tax deductible. The best bit: getting news out to the BB from the room where the results were announced by laptop, and hearing the twitter fans' phones go off -Chris's included- as the the BB's news feed confirmed what they were hearing in the same room

Below we see Chris with Charlie Bolton, grabbing some food. Professional political parties bring their own edibles and alcohol to these events. Only the Green party would share theirs: even the LibDems told us it was our own fault for not planning ahead. There's probably a message there.

Because Chris knew many of the councillor and politicians at the event, we ended up providing a bit of background info to the Guardian reporter who didn't know the city. If there is one regret here: failing to describe Clifton East as an edgy inner city estate where people were scared to walk the streets at night. Sometimes the truth is best kept secret.

Bristol 24-7, who published a lovely obituary, would love people to take on this part of Chris's work this coming May: a couple of people in every counting station, with camera and laptop, would give the city the best election coverage it's ever had. Get in touch with them if you can help -it would be a great way of remembering Chris through deeds.
BristleKRS has listed the local press and blog coverage. Chris also got a mention on Crap Cycling and Walking in Waltham Forest, which would have pleased him no-end, as the identity of the elusive Freewheeler was of great interest.

Finally, for anyone wondering why Chris would have anything to do with a blatantly anti-cyclist organisation like Bristol Traffic, here is a secret. In exchange for technical support related to web browsers (details some other time) -he was our Clifton correspondent! You wouldn't expect us to go there ourselves -there's nowhere to park!

1 comment:

  1. Best wishes to all family and friends of Chris today :-)


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