Thursday 13 May 2010

Secret Stokes Croft Parking

This car, T806LRJ has a ticket just for parking entirely on the pavement on Ninetree hill, just off Stokes Croft.

This is exactly the same penalty that you'd get for parking in the bike lane round the corner. In a cycling city, the council should have a lower penalty for parking out the way of passing traffic than for making it hard for bicycles, but no, they don't. We don't know whether to celebrate this fact, or mourn the needless oppression of cars. Yes, one car takes up as much parking space as ten bicycles, but you can clearly see that it helps someone important get around.


  1. I wonder if that will be GN07UZA in the background again?

  2. Talking of Stokes Croft, last week I came out of the Post Office just as a woman harangued a cyclist slowly wheeling past on the pavement: "Oi! Get off the pavement! Tsk!"

    Her ire might have been better placed had she not just got out of her Mercedes having parked right over the cycle path.

  3. photos of cyclists being harassed are welcome, videos even more so...


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