Thursday 3 June 2010

Paveparking and alcohol purchasing

Shocking photos reach us of someone parking on the pavement on Cotham Hill to fill up their vehicle with beer from an off license

While normally we'd say such actions are necessary, a bit of beer takes the edge of a long motorway journey-  the fact that this person is doing it with a cargo-bike makes the action dubious.
How much beer can you fit into one of these vehicles, -especially when a small child has to be left in the cargo bay to keep an eye on the bicycle while it is parked? At least when you pull up onto this specially widened pavement in a decent 4x4 you can buy a fair amount of alcohol-based beverages, bringing in some revenue to a government with serious cash flow problems, but in one of these things? Not much. Not unless you were going to fill the free cargo area with single malt whisky.

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