Tuesday 22 June 2010

Turf Wars

Our recent coverage of cycle lane sponsorship has highlighted a few local champions, so we'd like to extend a warm welcome to a new sponsor, City Property Lets, of Gloucester Road, Bristol.

Here you see their special parking space, occupied on this occasion by an official CPL Audi S50CPL. It's only twenty to eleven in the morning on a Friday.

But, all is not right, as can be seen here:

Yes, news spreads fast, and only a few days later, a turf war erupts as Welsh intruder CU51FXL steals the space from the sponsor at three o'clock, again on a Friday.

Now, we didn't see any smashed windows, or slashed tyres as a result of this incursion, but it's only a matter of time before this sort of rivalry spreads across Bristol's cycle lanes, which will lead to a summer of discontent throughout the city.

Remember, you read it here first.

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