Monday 11 October 2010

Dear Evening Post Editorial Staff....

We've been reading about your obsession with tax-dodging cyclists riding on pavements for a while now. Okay, so we know it's illegal. So is driving and parking on the pavement. Take a look at the picture above - you may be familiar with the building in shot. We have a very simple question for you:

Is driving and parking on the pavement more or less risky than riding a bicycle on it?.

If you think it's a greater risk (heaven forbid that a pedestrian might get knocked over by one of those cars perpetually tucked into the side of your building), then why not write a series of articles about the dangers of 'paveparking' in your publication?.

1 comment:

  1. Having logged on to read my daily dose of anti-bike propaganda which is , I was surprised and somewhat dismayed to see an article that seemed to be highlighting the apparent 'benefits' of cycling.

    It took me a while to work it out but I think it is a trick to kill off any weak-minded readers.


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