Sunday 24 October 2010

The proposed Whiteladies Road Showcase Route

There's been lots of coverage of Whiteladies Road on this site recently. Why? Bristol Traffic is not a news outlet: it is a documentary, and we were collecting defensible "before" data. The "before" being "Before the Whiteladies Road Greater Bristol Bus Network proposals go through". There is a consultation in progress, they even have a shop for it, here, the one marked "To let" with the shutters up.

What is proposed?
  1. Bus lanes on the inbound direction in the mornings, (the far side in the photo below), and on the outbound direction of an evening.
  2. Restricted parking.
  3. Changes to the pelican and zebra crossings at Whiteladies Gate
  4. Removal of the Right turn from Whiteladies Road to St Pauls Road -except for buses.
  5. Lots of other changes up by the downs.

Currently the parking areas provide excellent commuter parking, but they force shoppers to park on double yellow-lined traffic island areas, as that is the only area left for important people to park like the sports car T4LLO.

The traffic islands make it safer to cross the road once you've just parked your car V259MOV alongside one of them.

All will change. More details to follow.

We are not yet ready to denounce this as another war-on-motorist development, as our research hints to us that pedestrians will suffer the most and cyclists will find what is given with the bus lane is taken with changes to crossings. For some reason the council hasn't come out and spelt all this out, though as it is something that would get us motorists behind the plan, they are missing an opportunity there.

Incidentally, these pictures were taken out of peak hours, hence the lack of vehicles. One point we would like to emphasise is that if you are going to make decisions on how to improve bus schedules and rush hour traffic, then you should collect data at that time of day, go to the site between 08:00-09:00 or 17:00-18:00, otherwise you will be lulled into a naive state of optimism where you think that shoppers and motorists all happily dance around the city waving flowers and being nice to each other.

This is why we are delighted to see that the cycle campaigners are being invited to visit the site between 11:00 and 16:00 on a weekday, when, apart from the school/student traffic after 15:30, there is limited conflict. It gives us hope that the war on motorists really is over, and the council is on our side by giving the cycle campaigners an unrealistic world view.

-----Original Message-----
From: Francis Mann
Sent: 19 October 2010 15:28
Subject: Greater Bristol Bus Network: Whiteladies Rd (Have your say in the cycle infrastructure review)

Dear All,

Bristol City Council would like to invite you to take part in the 'cycle
infrastructure review' of the above proposals. As you may be aware Bristol City Council's Public Transport team have recently started the informal consultation process for the proposed Greater Bristol Bus Network on Whiteladies Road.

The Cycling City team have recently appointed an independent consultant to
  facilitate the cycle infrastructure review of the route and we're pleased to welcome Camden Consultancy on board for the process. Camden Consultancy started off the first cycle infrastructure reviews in the country and have since then conducted hundreds of these reviews for cycle stakeholders and local authorities both in London and elsewhere.

This is a great opportunity to have you say and obtain improvements for 
cyclists along the corridor, as well as having unrestricted access to the project team for these proposals. We are proposing a site meeting with stakeholders at the start of November likely dates are Thursday 4th or 11th November to coincide with the informal public consultation process. Our preference is for 11th as all officers can currently make this date, we would look to have the inception meeting from 11am onwards, followed by a site visit after lunch, before finishing at 4pm when it starts to get dark.

Please could we have expressions of interest and availability by next
Tuesday 26th November. As the GBBN project team unfortunately missed the last Bike Forum, everyone who attends the forum is welcome to come along and view detailed plans of the proposals before the inception meeting and site visit, we will let you know the final date for this as soon as we have confirmed it.

Any queries please let us know.

Kind regards

1 comment:

  1. I just like the way Francis Mann wants to know by 26th November whether the tax-dodgers would prefer to meet on 4th or 11th November. Now that's what I call being retrospectively proactive. Or proactively retrospective. Or something.


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