Tuesday 7 December 2010

Making Echelon Parking Safer

A lot of cyclists complain about "Echelon parking" as the cars and vans reversing out can hit cyclists. Our solution: ban cyclists, isn't being taken up, here on Whiteladies Road, so alternative solutions are being investigated.

We are pleased to see that the Saab KC03TKN and the Range-Rover behind it are doing their best to reduce risk here by double parking alongside the echelon-parked vehicles. Any bicycle that can get past them will be confident that no vehicles will reverse into them during the operation.

Such cyclists may be pleased to know that some extra echelon parking will be provided behind the camera, so ensuring that the roll-out of a bus lane doesn't remove any parking spaces from the urban realm. Indeed, when combined with the double parking option seen above, there may actually be more short-stay parking than ever before.

1 comment:

  1. I may be missing something, but couldn't the echelon spaces be angled so you reverse in? This would stop the cyclists moaning and also make it easier to load up on special brew ready for a picnic on the downs, as the boot would be on the pavement side.

    Also, reversing into a main road from a side road is illegal, I think, but doing it from a parking space is okay?


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