Monday 3 January 2011

Brislington Traffic! Welcome!

Quick pointer to the wonderfully named Briztraffic, who have recently started providing coverage of the Brislington area of the city. For our readers out of town, most time in the area is spent by non-residents in the A4 in traffic jams at this point. There's a nice part to the north, by the Avon, which has pleasant paths along the river. Paths which, if turned into new roads to Bath, could reduce A4 congestion. But no, the war on motorist continues and these paths are wasted on families walking their dogs or cycling happily around.

We have added a link to the site in our quick links list.

To follow up their coverage of the Kingsdown RPZ issue, apparently the yellow lines over driveways were something residents could opt out from. On Victoria Walk leading to Fremantle Square, there are some that have clearly done this. Even so, during RPZ hours, they'll need a permit to park there. We are busy sorting out one for the one white van in the team that doesn't have a disabled "park everywhere" permit. Apparently the council doesn't actually check with the DVLA that the vehicle is registered at an address in the RPZ; you just need to provide a gas or electricity bill that shows the vehicle owner lives there. As producing fake utility bills is easier and cheaper than telling the DVLA that you've moved, this should be fairly straightforward. We shall be reselling our "Workers' Chernobyl and Belarus Gas and Electricity Collective" bill template for others to re-use, once we know it works.

One other interesting feature is any new "low vehicle use" buildings/conversions in the area won't be eligible for more than one permit, which means the builders who say "green housing" to get to use more space for housing rather than parking really will get to mean housing with only one car per household.


  1. Now you may need to put me right here, but why would you object to double yellows across your driveway. If they are not there you risk having someone else park there and block you in (or out). I have noticed that almost the whole of Fremantle lane has objected meaning that some daft 'apeth can not only block one garage but the whole street as it is so narrow. Now what is daft is the extent of the double yellows in places that would be quite reasonable to park - like alongside the church gardens nearby.

  2. double yellows over the drive stops anyone you allow to park there too, at day or weekends. If it's not yellowed, you can park there. Not clear: whether you need a permit, and who enforces things.

    By the church they've made it easier for passing vehicles, though the corners are still a bit doubtful.


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