Monday 7 March 2011

The AA driving school: for the road ahead

The AA driving school car GL60JHH says "for the road ahead" on the back of it.

Technically, up here in Northville, it should say "For the road and half the pavement ahead"
But there probably isn't room for that.

We hope the AA will be on our side, resisting government plans to fine people for parking on the pavement. It's in their interest, not just because increased car ownership increases their breakdown revenue fees, but because their driving school instructors clearly depend on the right too.


  1. I once watched an AA driving school car drive into car parked legally on the street outside our home. There was a minor scratch caused, though nothing that really needed repair. However, the instructor didn't tell the student to stop, they simply reversed a bit and then carried on driving.

    I wrote to the AA about this, giving the time of day, the registration etc. Absolutely no response whatsoever.

    That's the calibre of people you're dealing with...

    Just one week after this incident, we emigrated (but our post was redirected for a year, so if the AA had had any interest in saying sorry they could have done so).

  2. Emigrating because of this was a bit of an over reaction David! There are other driving school and breakdown services organisations available...

    Did you by any chance emigrate to here?

  3. Rhode: Well, we were already committed by then :-)

    And as for the second question: Don't be silly :-) We went to a real cycling city, in a real cycling country !

  4. Regarding reversing, this is why a tow bar mount is more useful than any beeping reversing equipment. Not only does it provide audible feedback when you have reversed enough, it penalises anyone who reverses badly into your car.

  5. You can already be fined for parking on the pavement (if you are causing an obstruction - it just has to be reported, not difficult to do in this day and age) so why does the government feel the need to introduce another pointless law? Grr.


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