Wednesday 13 April 2011

Bus news


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From: murphy_le_chat
Date: Tue, Apr 12, 2011 at 12:47 PM
Subject: [Bristolcyclingcampaign] Bus news


I've just returned from visiting a friend in the BRI who's just had an operation to put a 10in plate in his left shin, which was badly broken when a bus drove at him last Tuesday, outside the new Magistrates Courts.

I have chosen those words carefully. He is an experienced cyclist, well used to the difficulties of cycling in and around Bristol for many years. His route to work takes him from Bond Street, across the 'bear pit' roundabout, and across towards the BRI.

Last Tuesday, a bus on his nearside rear, drove very close and just touched him as he was riding round the roundabout. Shortly after, he stopped in front of the bus and 'had words' with the driver. He then continued on his way to work, thinking the incident was over, and had reached the Magistrates Court when the bus pulled alongside and deliberately turned sharp left, into him. His bike is written off. He has a broken leg, broken left wrist (which also has a plate) and a broken right thumb.

The entire incident was captured on the Courts external CCTV, and there were several witnesses. The case is now in the hands of the CID, and I understand the driver will be charged with causing Grievous Bodily Harm, and using the Bus as (an instrument? weapon..I forget the term). Clearly the case is under investigation so I don't know the implications of giving any more detail. The bus wasn't operated by First Bus. Strangely enough, news of this incident doesn't seem to have reached the Evening Post. Or maybe I missed it.


  1. H'mmm. The same thing happened to me last summer, coming down from the Bear Pit towards the Centre - a bus came within about an inch of knocking me off at 20mph, but then stopped at a pedestrian light. As I overtook I said 'hello' and waved very sarcastically as if he hadn't seen me, and then pulled across into the bus lane to get out of the way - the bus then started to overtake, but halfway through cut hard into the lane and I had to basically slam on the brakes and jump off to avoid being crushed. I wonder if it's the same driver?

  2. I would encourage more cyclists to start filming their journeys. This may give good evidence if situations like this happen again. The more of us out there filming the better. I generally find that most First Bus and Wessex Connect drivers are generally pretty good. I wonder if as part of their training they get told about the possibility of being filmed by people like myself. I don't generally come across any other bus companies so can't really comment on them.

    I also feel that by filing my journeys it has made me a better cyclists. I have filmed myself getting into situations and positions on roads where I really shouldn't have been.

    I hope that this person makes a speedy recovery and that appropiate action is taking against any guilty parties.

  3. National Express coach?

    Cycling around the Triangle (correctly - in the right lane, as you would in a car) a few weeks ago, I was both hooted at and then nudged by a coach that had just left the bus station, heading out towards Whiteladies Road.

    Could have been a real disaster, luckily it was fairly late so few cars around, and none on my inside during the inevitable wobble caused as a result.

    Came home and made a compliant online, but never heard anything. Felt like going to the police - it was really that dangerous.

  4. I complained to FirstBus about a bus not stopping at a zebra crossing instead just making eye contact, but a handlebar camera didn't catch all of it -they said they'd assess his driving. The U-link buses seem pretty good too, though I'd be happier if both groups knew about ASLs and their function.

    I think if conflict is developing between bus and bike, then its up to the cyclists to push back -initially with a cycling campaign statement, then perhaps with some critical mass action by the bus station, to make clear this is unacceptable.

  5. Sounds like attempted Murder imo.

  6. I'm sorry to read this. The buses here in Southampton are generally very good in my experience. We have several companies in operation in the city, and several accessing the city from out of town.

    I would agree with Bristolcyclista, cameras can be very good for campaigns, evidence and even promotion of cycling. (I have done a couple of reviews on my own blog and on youtube of a few camera systems, some are quite cheap now).

    I hope the guy makes a full recovery and isnt dissuaded from cycling. If the BEP doesnt publish, go to the nationals (trial permitting etc) as they tend to be quite interested.

  7. I found this thread by accident while trying to find out what happened at the three Lamps closing the Wells Road last night.

    I witnessed the cyclist having words with the bus driver, it must have been just before he was run over. I was on my Motorbike leaving the junction after the BRI when I spotted a pushbike in an unusual position, I slowed down until I could see properly what was going on and realised that the bike was parked against the front of the bus and the rider was standing talking to the bus driver. I looked back again as I went past the bus station and the bus hadn't moved. I was concerned that the bus driver might lose it and flatten the bike. I never deamt that he would do it with the rider on board. If I am needed as a witness please let me know on here

  8. I found this thread by accident while trying to find out what happened at the three Lamps closing the Wells Road last night.

    I witnessed the cyclist having words with the bus driver, it must have been just before he was run over. I was on my Motorbike leaving the junction after the BRI when I spotted a pushbike in an unusual position, I slowed down until I could see properly what was going on and realised that the bike was parked against the front of the bus and the rider was standing talking to the bus driver. I looked back again as I went past the bus station and the bus hadn't moved. I was concerned that the bus driver might lose it and flatten the bike. I never deamt that he would do it with the rider on board. If I am needed as a witness please let me know on here

  9. Eric, get in touch with - he posted the news, and/or contact the police.

  10. Eric!

    You MUST get in touch with the Police. Theres always the possibility that they'd take it more seriously if you speak to them first.

  11. For anyone who's interested, this case comes to trial tomorrow, Wed 4th January, at Bristol Crown Court No 7, at 11:00 or later. I wonder if the Evening Post will be giving the full coverage it normally dedicates to cycling-related issues?


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