Sunday 10 April 2011

A hint of red

Lovely video of W987MNT with a schoolkids poster in the back drifting through the red light on Stokes Croft a good three seconds after the light goes red.

If you notice, all the locals expect it and nobody begins to cross the lights until all the vehicles have actually stopped moving.


  1. To be fair, that red light is ignored by a lot of cyclists.

  2. @kebablog To be fair, a cyclist will not harm any third party; a car is likely to seriously injure or kill.

    Don't forget, traffic lights were only invented to stop cars hitting each other... and cyclists... and pedestrians.

  3. @kebablog. What has this got to do with cyclists? A school bus ignores a red light at a busy junction and you dismiss this because you might have seen a cyclist doing it in the past.

  4. I am a cyclist myself, I am not dismissing any car going through a red light but it seems a little hypocritical when this is one of the worst junctions for bikes jumping red lights in the whole of Bristol.

    I only comment as I have been happily waiting at a red light at that junction before and have been shocked many times at people zooming past (and even commenting that I should get out of their way...). People carry on if pedestrians have right of way, if cars are turning right out of St Pauls, it is as if it doesn't exist. Doesn't happen so much at the Arches junction, not entirely sure why...

  5. @kebablog has a point -bikes turn left from Ashley road to stokes croft even in front of oncoming cars, bikes will go north throughout the cycle, and all will go through at speed on the pedestrian lights -which is just selfish.

    I walk or run my bicycle over, but even then I've had to be rude to people on bicycles who think they have right of way over people trying to get over on what is the shortest part of the duty cycle -the pedestrian crossing time.

  6. I agree it is selfish and gives other cyclists a bad name. By all means post a video of cyclists running the red light then and we can comment on that accordingly. This particular post was about the school bus running the light though.


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