Tuesday 6 September 2011

Problems in the RPZ

Oh dear. More tickets.

Luckily, the entire Bristol Traffic project is based in Clifton, where sights such as this are rare, even on double yellow lines.

We feel sorry for this poor driver, who has accidentally visited Cotham, and become ensnared in its Resident's Parking Zone. Three tickets in as many days.

With the registration EX11WVT, it's quite possible the driver lives in Essex, and may not be aware that it's always better to park in Clifton, rather than Cotham, especially if intending to stay in Bristol for a few days.

1 comment:

  1. This reminds me of an excellent bit of cheeky parking I witnessed in Clifton recently. The driver of a white BMW 1-series (draw your own conclusions) parked on double yellows at the corner of Sion Place and Sion Hill, and proceeded to stick a penalty notice envelope (acquired previously) on the windscreen, presumably to ward off further tickets.

    I guess this proves that it's not such a clever trick...


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