Friday 11 November 2011

More RLJ work on Cheltenham Road

We're going to credit this cyclist coming up Bath buildings and crossing Cheltenham Road for actually looking and only going out when it is clear to do so, and waiting at the traffic island for a gap in the other lane.

Again, being a bit fitter and climbing up the mild incline on Bath Buildings would have saved time, and if you can't climb that when what faces you straight ahead, Arley Hill, is going to hurt. Looks more like this RLJ-er is going to right turn onto the Gloucester Road bus lane though.

Not so suicidal to be called a ghost-rider, just, well, pointless. The taxi in the ASL isn't going to run him over when the lights change as the cars blocking the hatched junction remove the option to pull out fast. Why then?


  1. I thought the bicycle painted in an ASL meant 'bicycles only'. Obviously, I am mistaken, because so many people clearly believe it means 'motor-vehicles only'.

  2. If motor vehicles enter the ASL box while the traffic light is green it's a legal manoeuvre. It's only a bicycle only zone when the lights have changed to red, so vehicles shouldn't enter it the box when the lights are red!

  3. If a motor vehicle enters the ASL box while the traffic lights are not red, it's a legal manoeuvre. It's only a bicycle-only box when the lights have already changed to red!


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