Sunday 28 September 2008

traffic islands: valuable parking opportunities

In an attempt to provide motorists with extra parking spaces, traffic islands can now be used to park small or large vehicles.

Although this destroys visibility and makes driving around them a bit more exciting, this acts as a form of traffic calming. The term for such a technique is called "shared space". [photo & text: Joe Evans]


  1. I noticed one of those today, near Queen's Square I think. Looks like the Council are trying to maximise the amount of car parking by any means possible. They seem to have completely abandoned any traffic restraint policies, no doubt to encourage congestion to persuade us support Congestion Charging.

  2. So that's what 'Shared Space' is about. I heard it was a great form of traffic management, and I was wondering if we'd ever see it in Stuttgart. Now it turns out that it's all over the city. Only Mercedes cars seem to be part of the system, though.

  3. I didn't know these were legit spaces. Would be good to get the list of exactly where they are, as they make a mockery of the "islands in the traffic" notion of traffic islands

    I dont think these are part of a plan to create congestion. I suspect different parts of the organisation working at odds with others.


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