Friday 30 April 2010

Chris Hutt: the last ride

This, then, was Chris's last bicycle ride. Here are many of his fellow travellers. the Martins from the BCyC, Sarah of the Save the Railway Path campaign; Cecilia, Terry M and one of the Steves from that group were also present, among the many others -and those look like Sustrans people loitering to the left of the frame.
Cycle Hearse
At the traffic lights, we can see Eric, ex-ByC and now involved in Cycle City work, Rob Gallagher, and various other people none of who have registration numbers for us to complain about -especially Terry Miller, who is standing on the pavement with his bicycle.
Cycle Hearse
Here's the final approach to the crematorium. Notice how little hi-viz clothing was to be seen, and how they didn't get out the way of our van, despite its obvious importance. Do they not realise how dangerous it is to cycle next to a van whose driver is filming while driving?

Here we can see Jon Rogers; he also gave an excellent tribute, one which mentioned his disappointment with Chris awarding him the second place in the Bristol Traffic anti-bicycle awards.  He hasn't yet discovered we caught his secret tree plans on camera yet, something that he was only told of later on in the day.
Cycle Hearse
Finally, the coffin is unloaded and taken in to the crematorium, leaving Kevin and Sylvie to take the empty vehicle away and stand guard over it. We believe that these peoplehave plans to make the September Bristol Cycle Festival more interesting -and are even behind a planned meeting on that topic, which obviously concerns us. Were he to link up with Quercus, whom we saw later on descending from St Michael's Hill with some of those critical mass people on funny bicycles, we fear for the city.
Cycle Hearse
No coverage of the event inside, except to say it was pretty hard for a lot of people there -and there were a lot of people there. Furthermore, nobody seemed to have picked up on the fact that the cover photo of Chris shows him cycling the wrong way up a one way street!

1 comment:

  1. I did! he's cycling UP Lodge street, with a smile on his face. I liked that - fitting.
    You missed a good trip up the Path to the Fishponds Fish. A quiet procession, a group of people cycling together. A double decker bike amongst some decorated with flowers. Some few people went on to Mangotsfield before returning to meet the others for a last drink. Goodbye Chris. Into the freedom of wind and sunshine, we let you go.


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