Friday 30 April 2010

Christ Hutt funeral part 3: Post-funeral activities

After the funeral, the cyclists meandered down to King Street, which has plenty short-stay parking for our vans, and a large area of teh street -our street- wasted on bicycles. If they are to have bike parking, it should be on pavements, preferably ones not used by cars to park. As it was, not only today did the cycle park fill up, some of the BCyC troublemakers ended up chaining four or five bicycles up on the other side of the road -again, our road and not the pavement. This is insensitive to the needs of other road users.
King street
Chris's children: Chris Jr and Alice turned up with Chris Jr riding Chris's own bicycle.
Chris Hutt Junior on Senior's bike
He also brought extra biscuits in the classic "bag on handlebar" luggage style. For some reason the cycle press is scared to come out and acknowledge the effectiveness of supermarket bags from handlebars. We not only think it works -we believe if the supermarkets made carrier bags out of more visible and reflective material than the classic Sainsbury's orange, it would improve cyclist safety, especially those of students.
Chris Hutt Junior on Senior's bike
Chris's bike ended up in the room itself, which may have seemed a bit odd to some, but it was very apt for Chris. Generally, Chris Hutt and his bright pink bike were rarely separated, so bringing it in as a memento was appropriate.
Chris Hutt's bicycle

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