Sunday 2 May 2010

SGloucs Cycle Route 10

South Gloucester is consulting on the proposed cycle route 10, consultation ends May 4.

The Bristol Traffic response will be:
While we appreciate the council's effort to mark cyclists as under-people by mandating cycle helmets for all people undergoing cycle training in the area, and the old filton road improvements: bikes on pavement enabling a walking/cycling route to be turned back into a rat-run to UWE, we are concerned that any attempt to encourage cycling on the proposed "10" route will increase the risk that cars parked on the shared pedestrian/bike pavement just South of UWE may have some of their paintwork or wingmirrors damaged by passing cyclists. Please can you make cyclists dismount at this popular parking destination -since the Filton B&Q started ticketing students and MoD staff parking in their car park all day, this is the last remaining free parking for UWE students. Don't ruin it!
If you are going ensure that the Cycle City funding allocated to your area helps us drivers, rather than hinders us, can you instead use it to create more road-side parking areas -best, or at least ensure, like the Abbey Wood bike path with big gates, that they do not encourage more cycling.

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