Wednesday 23 March 2011

Crossing not in use

Classic anti-pedestrian scenes on Gloucester Road on a Saturday morning.

The gas digging has stopped, but the crossing not in use signs have been left up all weekend. Why? These people on foot are not important. Not even to the shops
Important people drive to the shops, even if the only place to park is by another crossing, as the Range Rover 284RAF is doing. But by doing so it ensures that no cyclists sneak up the inside lane and run the red light, so the woman barely visible pushing her child across the road is safer.

On this topic, just think how much parking space is wasted by pedestrian crossings of one kind or another! It probably takes up more space than all the cycling city improvements. This is yet another argument in favour of removing traffic lights in the city: every pedestrian crossing we take away not only saves time, it provides more parking opportunities!
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1 comment:

  1. I like these lights out of action ... it means I can cross at the lights when ever I want on my bike rather than waiting for the fleeting nano-second between the lights turning red on the Gloucester Road and before they turn green for Zetland.

    It's far too dangerous to go when they are green for cyclists. That's like cycling in a war zone dodging the bullets (in this case cars).


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