Friday 25 March 2011

Friday Afternoon Quiz

A typical scene in Stokes Croft. Click to enlarge.

What might be wrong?


  1. None of those pedestrians are wearing helmets or
    high vis.

  2. The gap between the lorry and Range Rover is too wide, a cyclist could still get through it.

  3. There is a pedestrian wearing black (NOT HI VIZ) and using a mobile phone. This should be against the law, as she might collide with the thoughtfully parked 4x4.

  4. What about those bicycles parked on the pavement. You could fit a car there.

  5. The lorry is not parked fully on the ASL. A cyclist could slip between the two vehicles and wait on it.

  6. Oh, wait. There is no short-stay supermarket on the stretch of pavement on the right of the camera, or even a decent takeaway. Drivers taking hard end rest on the way into town have no way to acquire needed refreshments. Fortunately the new Tesco opening further up the bike lane will give them this opportunity.

  7. -my mistake, there is a best value offlicense to the right.

    How about. There are visible satellite dishes on two of the buildings on the left side, even though one of the buildings may be listed.

  8. One more guess. Quercus -you've bought another Landrover!

  9. OK you got me. That's's now one each for the whole family. Along with our newly acquired iPad2s we're really set to go.

  10. There is no entry lane at the nearside of the ASZ?

  11. Pavement has not been removed to add a 3rd lane which would allow traffic to continue to flow between the HGV and the parked car. Another example of pedestrians causing congestion.

    Do away with the pavement and you can do away with the pedestrian crossing just down Stokes Croft too, so traffic won't ave to wait for slow people on foot to cross the road, easing congestion even more.


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