It could in fact represent a design defect in the vehicle. It's just too wide to park in Bristol, and unsuited to reverse parking. Drive-in, drive-out parking is all you can do, which means you need to find big empty places (school no waiting zones) to drop your kids off.
Which is why we propose that just as Landrover offset two year's worth of Carbon on a new Landrover Discovery, when you buy a Range Rover, the company should offer to offset two year's worth of parking tickets. For vehicles YJ52NYE and L008YXR, that would make parking in Picton Street much less stressful. Indeed, it would make parking your range rover so stress free that more people in Montpelier could consider buying one.
Well now ... owning a Range Rover, in the city, does after all show just exactly how caring a person is. Specially if you add bull-bars.
Wicked blog!
Small world isn't it?
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