Wednesday, 18 July 2012

Free BRI parking

A letter hits our inbox, sharing one of the secret parking places of the city -this time by the Bristol Royal Infirmary:

In previous correspondence I mentioned that I had found a great place to park on Colston Street.


However, I am fed up of having to walk the 20 extra yards to the BRI so I've decided to start parking on the bit of pavement at the top of Christmas Steps instead. Imagine my outrage when I tried to park my Hummer there, only to discover that MM05BVB had got to *my* space first.

We sympathise with this person, but point they only have themselves to blame. Once you publish your secret parking spots  -everyone finds out about them.


seebag said...

where can I email you a new item?

seebag said...

where can I email you a new item?

SteveL said...

send it to bristol.traffic at gmail