Tuesday 17 March 2009


Development is good. So I'm told.

Especially in these challenging times. Come on, it must be. It puts money into the economy, which is good. It keeps people employed, which is good.

So it's nice to see someone putting some money into the economy in Redland. Not constrained by the planning system (unlike the poor inhabitants of Clifton), and despite being in a conservation area, it makes perfect sense to spend something for the privilege to park a car in your garden. After all, an RPZ may sneak up Whiteladies Road at anytime. And it's certain that a Showcase Bus route will.

So it's refreshing to see someone bucking the trend in Sustainable Redland and paving over their garden. And dropping a publicly owned kerb. And removing unsightly paving slabs (they only crack when you park a car on them, after all). And putting in high-quality tarmac paving instead for the benefit of all.

Development. Let's all do it. For the sake of the economy.


SteveL said...

Did they have permission for this?

Quercus said...

Not that I can find - I'll email you something - basically it appears there is little that can be done to stop it.

SteveL said...

You can raise enforcement queries, especially about the wall and the kerb, RCAS will be unhappy too.

Dave said...

I can't really see in the photo but they could need permission:
"If the surface to be covered is more than five square metres planning permission will be needed for laying traditional, impermeable driveways that do not control rainwater running off onto roads."

Check this site for more details


Dave said...

Also stated on the planning portal

"Dropping kerbs - If you are making a new access into the garden across the footpath you will need to obtain permission from the local council to drop the kerbs and the pavement may need strengthening. This is to protect any services buried in the ground such as water pipes."
