The friends and family are walking down to Hartcliffe, and everyone is donating £5 to help cover funeral costs.
At the Lower Castle Street memorial, there's more flowers, more graffiti remembering him, more photographs from family and friends.
There's also a set of markings showing that the car driver came from Penn street. Which raises the question: why are vehicles allowed down here, and why do they have the right of way over all the pedestrian crossings? If the route was made bus-taxi-bike only, except for a delivery period in the mornings -and every crossing was uprated to a zebra "vehicles come second" crossing, there'd be no need to sprint across all these crossings as cars try to force their way through. There's also a lot of disabled parking along Penn Street, but we could retain access there, or improve/expand the disabled parking in the Cabot Circus car park, making it the location of choice for disabled shoppers to stop. That disabled parking provides a lot of temptation to everyone else -especially taxis- to come down here.
7pm, tonight, Cabot Circus to Hartcliffe. That's the "Troy Atkinson" junction, Cabot Circus, to give it its new name -one by which he can be remembered.
As an out-of-towner I can't be there in person, but my thoughts will be.
If there's an address to send a donation I'd like to have it.
-I don't know of any address yet; I'll let you know if we find out.
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