Christchurch School, Clifton, Now has a sign up in front of the keep clear zone,
We are a Bike-It School - Join the movement
Presumably it is at that exact height so as to catch the eye of parents parking here, such as the Saab T423RMW
Not with this mini HD03WXL blocking the entire pavement for anyone trying to walk round to the school's other entrance

Agreed 26th March 20091. Driving offences around education establishments, with specific reference to speeding and inconsiderate parking. Two highlighted areas are:A: Clifton College, namely College Road, Guthrie Road and The Avenue.B: Christchurch Primary School, namely Royal Park.Driving offences around educational establishments
OutcomesUpdated 6 May 2009:So far there have been six patrols conducted around our local schools. During these patrols there have been:12 motorists stopped and issued words of advice.10 cars issued with warning leaflet6 fixed penalty notices issued.
What is interesting here is that there are no complaints about people cycling on pavements. Perhaps you need a certain amount of free pavement before that to become an issue. By that measure, Bishopston must be ahead of Clifton. But if there have six penalties issued on six patrols, that means every patrol is finding one vehicle that merits not a warning or a word of advice, but a penalty ticket. Perhaps school parking is an issue here after all.
PS: Walk to School week, may 18-22. Watch out for pedestrians!
PS: Walk to School week, may 18-22. Watch out for pedestrians!
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