It runs parallel to the A370, it doesn't have the cars or buses of the Long Ashton road, and even runs alongside the schools.
It's designed to give the cyclists an A-road of their own. And because of that, they are coming out. Which is making Flax Bourton suffer.
Back in September, Elf King Ap Rees, leader of the Somerset-Elf-Folk, said "We're spending all this money on cycle ways and yet I'm always getting complaint that say the cyclists don't use them -they use the roads instead!".
It turns out worse than this. Some of the cyclists are using the cycle ways that they spent all the money on -and endangering people by doing so.
When we visited Rosemount Road on a (sunny) February sunday, we saw three cyclists in the space of five minutes. At that rate: thirty six an hour. Thirty-six cyclists that are cyclists are "posing a danger to pedestrians and motorists". And behind it all -the council trying to change the residents behaviour, to make them cycle with their families to school, then on to the city.
Farleigh Green Residents Association chairman Michael Barnes said: "Now the Festival Way route is completed we are seeing a lot more cyclists coming through the estate.
"The issue for residents is safety as the route follows narrow roads through the estate with the longest having no pavements.
"There are at least three blind corners giving no visibility for motorists, cyclists or pedestrians and there have been several collisions and many near misses involving cars, pedestrians, children and cyclists."
He added: "We are not anti-cycling and many of us enjoy cycling."We have some bad news: if you think it is bad now, it will only get worse.
Fortunately, any cyclists using the track will be foiled by a nice A-frame barrier that is difficult for any bike except the narrowest-handlebarred fixie to get through.
This leaves any cyclist with child seats, trailers, mirrors, tandems, bar-ends or even just slightly-wider-than-usual handlebars stuck in the wilds of Long Ashton where they can contemplate whether they would have been better off driving down the A370, or just staying at home instead.
Don't suppose you know where I can find a map that'll show me the route from Backwell into Bristol - been round the houses on the sunstrans and local council websites without success...
I assume you only want this information so that you can hold protests against/set traps for the cyclists who are destroying Flax Bourton.
@ Maunder
Yep, I've got a truck load of broken glass and need to get rid of it somewhere...
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