Saturday, 21 February 2015

Castle Parking: Taking the 'P' out of Park

Here's the nice new corner piece of Castle Park and Broad Weir where pedestrians can sit and rest after a hectic day of shopping in Cabot Circus. The Council have gone to all the trouble of landscaping a formerly naff patch of ground in an effort to make it a bit more appealing. And like flies to manure, the paveparkers have found out that you can dump a vehicle there all day, just behind the bus stop.But wtach out, that newly laid turf is a bit wet and the mud might get on your tyres:(

1 comment:

mnpinkfloyd said...

Thanks for the comment Leo. I know, amazing how some people can afford a £20,000 car but not £2/hour parking. I did contact the council via fixmystreet but they said they can only do something if it blocks a dropped kerb or yellow lines!!. However, another email with photos I popped to them has been referred to the Highways Dept.It's the mess that makes me see red!.