Here’s a new addition to Amsterdam since my last visit in 2007. Electronic bollards that can be raised and lowered to control access. They’ve appeared along some central canals and also at the entrance to the pedestrian shopping streets (one wonders if they had a problem with cars driving up them). We could do with some of these in Bristol but it would probably get up the nose of some petrolheads and the Evening Post
umm we already have some. Up by castle park on the road that runs into corn st
Yes please we want some of this in Bris:
The Bristol ones are at the entrances to St Stephen's Street and St Nicholas Street and prevent vehicular access to the Corn Street area on Friday and Saturday nights when there are lots of drunken yobs and yobettes around, so inhibiting Darwinian selection.
I just want some of these bollards that can be raised in under 1/10 of a second, attached to a weight sensor and preferably with a bit of a spike on top... just imagine an automatic car-impaling thing to stop people driving on the footpath
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