Friday 6 February 2009

Hiver sur l'Alpe des Neuf Arbres

Contributor TG sends in this photo from 08:17 this morning on the junction of nine-tree-hill and and Stoke's Croft. Looks like the car went into sledge-mode and just slid down the hill, going over the kerb to stop people contraflowing, and then down the final stretch before coming to a halt into the one-way sign. Hope they were OK and that nobody was walking up at the time.

As someone who regularly contraflows this road on a bike, I find the one-way kerb setup and signage inconvenient, and must be pretty bad for any pedestrian trying to get a wide pushchair up here to find a one-way sign in the middle of the pavement. Today, when the alternative stopping facility would have been traffic in Stokes Croft, the sign came in handy.


Anonymous said...

Assuming that the car's going to be there for a while yet, I wonder if anyone from traffic control will deign to ticket the driver for going the wrong way down a one-way street. Heck - there may even be enough evidence for a successful prosecution of some sort!

Anonymous said...

I think you are exempt if you do the contraflow with the wheels locked while you and the passengers are screaming in terror.

SP said...

Crikey that must have been scary.

I have my sympathies with the driver, but really I can't help wondering what idiot thought it safe to attempt 9TH in this weather.

SP said...

Did TG check to see if anyone was still in the car? :)

Thomas Guest said...

SP, I can confirm the car was empty when I took the photo. At what point exactly it became empty, I'm not sure.